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December 4, 2024


We at the Bonne Bay Historical Archive Committee are thrilled to add to our website one of the most important contributions to the history of Bonne Bay, Roy Osmond’s “Family Names of the South Arm of Bonne Bay 1800s-1930”. This unique source of genealogical information was reproduced privately in 1987, and has been long since unavailable, except in some libraries and a few private collections.


Having grown up in Woody Point, Roy started to trace the generations of his own family, but soon expanded his research to include 91 families who had once lived in Bonne Bay or were still there.  The book also contains a brief history of the area, several “bits and pieces” from the Western Star, household directories and census information from 1894 to 1936, and a list of 92 vessels registered to Bonne Bay.


We are grateful to Roy Osmond for allowing us to reproduce and make once again available to the public this very valuable compilation.


You can read or download the pdf here


​December 1, 2024


We have officially launched our fundraising campaign for the Bonne Bay Historical Archive. For more information see the donate page.


November 12, 2024


The Bonne Bay Historical Archive Corporation is now registered under the Corporations Act of Newfoundland and Labrador. This means that we are now able to stand on our own as a formal organization, without going through our earlier “mother ship”, the Bonne Bay Cottage Hospital Heritage Corporation. We are very grateful for the early support we received from our friends at the Cottage Hospital, who gave us a formal umbrella to begin our work.

​July 5, 2024


Bonne Bay Historical Archive website launched.​


Explore the rich history of Bonne Bay South with the Bonne Bay Historical Archive. We are committed to preserving and showcasing the history and heritage of the area!

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